How To Obtain Nigerian Oil And Gas Nigerian Content Compliance Certificate

Nigeria is one of the countries of the world that is blessed with oil and gas. The discovery of Oil and gas no doubt gave Nigerian economy another dimension due to the surplus revenue generated in the sector.

To maintain this development in oil and gas sector, the legislative arm of Federal Government of Nigeria enacted an Act to ensure industries provides local value and guarantees maximum benefit for the country. 

This Act enacted by the legislatures of the Federal Republic of Nigeria defines Nigerian Content as the quantum of composite value added to or created in the Nigerian economy by a systematic development of capacity and capabilities through the deliberate utilization of Nigerian human, material resources, and services in the Nigerian oil and gas industry.

The Act supersedes all other laws enacted on behalf of Nigerian content concerning all operations and transaction in the petroleum industryand the functions of Nigerian content regulatory bodies shall be handled by Nigerian Content Monitoring Board (the "Board") to be established under the Act.

NC Compliance is Nigerian Content Compliance Certificate which is one of the compliance documents used as an implementation guideline issued to operators in the oil and gas industry.


This certificate empowers those licensed to transact oil and gas business as spelt out by Act. A lot of Nigerians are interested in investing in oil and gas industry but may not know how to go about doing it.

The established guideline will be of great help to persons interested in investing in oil and gas sector in Nigeria. 



Nigerians interested in obtaining NC compliance certificate should understand that it will undergo the procedures below;

·        Interested operator should first submit a Draft NCCC application to the Board requesting for the issuance of NC Compliance Certificate. Remember that the application will be reviewed by the board; therefore it should be well constructed to reflect the real purpose of writing.


·        The is application should be backed up with the Operator’s RTA


·        The application and RTA will be accessed by the Board against the NCDMB Commercial Report and to see if it meets Nigerian Content requirements.


·         The Board after reviewing the application and RTA communicate to the Operator in writing.


·        The Operator attaches the comments of the Board into the Draft NCCC.


·        The Operator transmits the revised NCCC endorsed by the Chief Executive of the Operator, to the NCDMB


·        Where satisfied that the NC requirements have been fully met, the Board endorses the NCCC for the Operator.


NC Compliance certificate is the certificate approved by law to issue to those interested in investing in oil and gas sector.


A lot of Nigerians due to ignorance of the process involved in obtaining a valid certificate which empowers them to legally transact such business engage in illegal oil and gas business.


Nigerian willing to invest in oil and gas business are by law expected to obtain an operational certificate from relevant government agencies or else their operations becomes illegal and which no doubt will attract the wrath of the law.

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