How To Apply For Nigeria Transit Visa and Entry Permit

Nigeria like other countries of the world has means of regulating the movement of people in and outside her states and cities; this is done by providing categories of transit visa or entry permits issued to travelers which specify not only the purpose of traveling but also the allowable period of time to stay in the country.

Not all countries has direct transportation link to another, there are travel that demands that you stop over in a country and continue your journey with another flight; probably within a day or two.

Before anyone can stop over in another country other than that of his or her destination, there is a document issued; permitting him or her to stop over in a country for a specified period of time and such permit is known as a transit visa.

Transit Visa is a temporal permit that allows a traveler to stop over in a country for a specified period. It is a short period visa that allows a traveler to tour or visit cities and areas in which he or she is passing through, and which is not the designated country of travel.

In some countries, the time frame can be 48 hours, 24 hours, or even as small as 5 hours, there is also another type of transit visa known as direct transit visa.

This type of visa enables the traveler to change flights within the designated country without going through immigration control. In Nigeria, the validity of such visa is 48 hours.

Travelers on a transit to Nigeria are by law expected to obtain a transit visa which will cover the places to visit in Nigeria within the specified period of time.

For instance, one on transit to Nigeria with his permit can stop over in cities like Lagos, Abuja, Kano and other places where there is an international airport in Nigeria to visit friends or even to engage in one business or another within the duration.

Some travelers are ignorant of this transit permit and which gets them into serious problems. Intending travelers who might go on transit in Nigeria are advised to follow the directives below to obtain transit permit.

Fortunately, the requirement for transit and direct transit visa are the same. Remember that even though the requirements are the same, each of the permits works for a different purpose and cannot serve as a substitute to another.

All you need to do is to understand the type of transit required for your journey and apply for it.

Requirements for a transit/direct transit visa in Nigeria

Online application

·        Go online and fill the necessary requirement for a transit visa or direct transit.

·        Scan and attach all necessary documents.


Valid passport with minimum of 6 months validity

For a traveler to obtain transit permit in Nigeria, he must present his international passport from his country of origin. This is a valid means of identification that authenticates one's citizenship.


Valid visa to onward destination outside Nigeria

Here, the traveler is expected to present visa issued by embassy or consulate of the country he is traveling before he will obtain a transit visa.


Confirmed airline ticket to final destination

The traveler should show evidence of flight payment to his or her destination.


Evidence of sufficient funds

It is necessary to also show evidence of sufficient fund to cover the purpose and duration of travel.

Transit visa is necessary for travelers stopping over in another country as it guarantees the traveler free movement within the country throughout the specified period of time.


Travelers passing through another country to arrive at their destination country including Nigeria; stands the risk of being repatriated if they could not present their transit permits or visa.

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