The African Film Festival (TAFF)

The 2025 African Film & Arts Festival (TAFF) will take place on June 19 – 21 2025  at 3101 Martin Luther King Boulevard, Suite 7, Dallas, Texas, United States.

It will offer lots of exciting features like workshops, fun award nights, film screenings, and filmmakers' boat rides, and was put in place to promote the African culture and heritage.

The event will host celebrities from various African countries and will only showcase films that meet the requirements.

All films to be showcased should be able to promote African culture and address issues affecting Africa, based on historic African leaders and landmarks.

They must be films produced by independent African filmmakers and must be between 60 seconds or less, with a trailer, synopsis, and a standard-size poster (500 x 750).

The films will be graded according to the performances, audio, and sound quality, screenplay, picture quality, visual effects, and continuity after which the best narrative feature, best documentary feature, and indigenous films will be shown.

When & Location

Texas, United States
19/06/2025 12:00 AM to 21/06/2025 12:00 AM

3101 Martin Luther King Boulevard, Suite 7
+ (214) 306-9621

Event Price:

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