Lagos State School of Nursing & Midwifery Alumni Int Association (LSSNMAIA) hosts this annual scientific collaboration that creates a social context among medical associations of Nigeria across the Great Britain, the Nigerian nurse charity asociation, UK and LSSNMAIA.
The 6th edition of the LSSNMAIA Collaborative Scientific Conference themed "transforming practice through communication and collaboration" was just concluded virtually on Thursday 26th Augist 2021. In all likelihood, the next edition will hold in August 2025.
The international Alumni awards will feature other exciting and entertaining sub-events like wine reception, committee meeting, awards night, dinner and dance, and more.
Participants to this events include all members of LSSNMAIA and graduates of Lagos state school nursing and midwifery Awolowo Road, Ikoyi. Both the new and old members of this association will gather together with the aim of uniting and making the association stronger.