Ezinihitte Mbaise Local Government Area

Ezinihitte Mbaise LGA Secretariat, Itu, Imo Nigeria

Short Description

Ezinihitte Mbaise Local Government Area headquarters is in the town of Itu and the districts of Itu, Amumara, Akpodim, Azuzuahia-Eziudo, Chokoneze, Owagia-Eziudo, Ife, Obizi, Ọkpofe, Onicha, Ihitte, Akpọdim, and Udo, all make up the local government a

Business Information

Ezinihitte Mbaise Local Government Area consists of respective compositions of autonomous communities, making up the local government area.

Its Administrative matters is addressed by the incumbent Chairman and is responsible for the social and economic development of the communities as well as carrying out other developmental projects as its concerns his jurisdiction.

Working Hours

8am - 4pm

Registered Nigeria Business


Number of Employees

20 and upwards

Contact Name


Types of Product

Lists of Towns in Ezinihitte Mbaise LGA
Oboama na Ụmụnama

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reviewed Ezinihitte Mbaise Local Government Area

The original towns in Ezinihitte Mbaise are: Oboama na Ụmụnama, Ife, Chokoneze, Ihitte, Akpọdim, Amụmara, Eziudo, Itu, Ọkpofe, Ezeagbogu, Udo, Obizi and Ọnịcha.

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