Idah Local Government Area

Idah Local Government Area, Idah Town, Kogi State, Nigeria

Short Description

Idah is a small Local Government Area in Kogi state consisting the wards and districts of Ede, Ega, Ichala, Igalaogba, Igecheba, Ogegele, Owoli Apa, Ogegele, Igacheba, Igalaogba and Ichala.

Business Information

Idah is a small Local Government Area in Kogi state and an ancient metropolitan in Kogi state
known as the traditional headquarters of Igala Kingdom. This local government hosts the Federal Polytechnic of Idah serving also as the administrative headquarters of the LGA.

Idah local government council oversees the public administration of the entire communities under Idah LGA. The LGA has 10 elected councilors that administers each of the 10 wards in the local government.

Working Hours

8am - 4pm (Mondays to Fridays)

Registered Nigeria Business


Number of Employees

20 and upwards

Contact Name


Types of Product

Towns under Idah LGA

Owoli Apa

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