Igbalamela Odolu LGA

Igbalamela Odolu Local Government Area Secretariat, Ajaka, Kogi State Nigeria

Short Description

Igbalamela Odolu Local Government Area is situated in the town of Ajaka and is made up of the wards, villages and towns of Odolu, Ajaka, Ofodo, Akpanya, Ogbodibo, Agbokete, Ogbolibomi, Ojigbe, Avrugo, Ekwuloko, Oforachi, Oji-Aja and Ubele.

Business Information

Igbalamela Odolu Local Government Area exists as one of the 21 local government areas of Kogi state with its headquarters located in the town of Ajaka. The local government is bordered in the west by Niger River and in the east by the northern part of Enugu State.

The legislative council of this local government is made up of 10 electoral wards with 10 councilors heading each of the wards.

Working Hours

8am - 4pm (Mondays to Fridays)

Registered Nigeria Business


Number of Employees

20 and upwards

Contact Name


Types of Product

Igbalamela Odolu LGA


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