Makoda Local Government Area

Makoda Local Government Area Building, Koguna, Kano State Nigeria

Short Description

Makoda Local Government Area administrative center in Koguna town with the area council consisting of Bakarari Chidari, Danya, Dunawa, Ganji, Jibya, Koguna, Mai-Unguwa, Maitse Dau, Nakarari, Sabon Ruwa, Tabo, Tangaji, Yamawa and Zago.

Business Information

Makoda Local Government Area has its administrative capital situated in Koguna town which is one of the serving forty-four local government areas under Kano north state senatorial zone with the Executive Chairman and his Honorable members in charge of the communities and towns grass root development as they are at the lowest tier of the government following the state and federal government respectively

Working Hours

Monday to Friday 08.00 am - 04.00pm

Registered Nigeria Business


Number of Employees

20 and upwards

Contact Name


Types of Product

Towns and Villages Under Makoda Local Government Area
Maitse Dau
Sabon Ruwa

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