Song Local Government Area

Song Local Government Area Building, Song, Adamawa State Nigeria

Short Description

Song Local Government Area is a town and also a local government area in the state with the area council consisting districts of Song, Dumme, Dirma, Kilange, Funa, Gudu, Mboi, Kilange, Hirna, Gari, Waje, Suktu, Zumo, Waltandi and Ditera.

Business Information

The Song government councils heads the public administrations in Song local government area which is made up of eleven electoral wards represented by eleven councilors inclusive of the chairman who heads the executive arm of the local government while super seeing the social and economic development and projects in the towns and thus serving as an intermediary between the state government and the people.

Working Hours

8am - 4pm

Registered Nigeria Business


Number of Employees

20 and upwards

Contact Name


Types of Product

Districts and Villages in Song LGA
Kilange Hirna

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