Nsit lbom Local Government Area

Nsit lbom Local Government Area Headquaters, Afaha Offiong, Akwa lbom State Nigeria

Short Description

Nsit lbom Local Government Area functions as one of those the existing thirty-one LGAs located in the town of Afaha Offiong under the Akwa-lbom north-east zone consisting the districts of Mbaiso and Asang.

Business Information

Nsit lbom counts as one of the local government areas located in north-east corner of Akwa Ibom state senatorial zone with its administrative headquarters in Afaha Offiong town thus forming a federal constituency together with Etinan and Nsit Ubium local government areas.
The Nsit lbom local government councils super sees public administrations in Nsit lbom local government area which is made up of ten wards represented by ten councilors inclusive of the chairman who heads the executive arm of the local government which is richly blessed natural mineral resources.

Working Hours

Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm

Registered Nigeria Business


Number of Employees

20 and upwards

Contact Name


Types of Product

Districts Under Nsit LGA includes

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